Knowledge Base » [180425] How do I find the Access Code for a meeting?
Product or Service: GatherPlace
Client Software: GP5
GatherPlace Guests

Typically the Host will send an email or Instant Messenger invitation that contains the access code and a link that can be clicked on to join the meeting.

If the invitation you received did not include a seven digit number or a link to join a meeting, you need to contact the host of the meeting for the access code of the meeting. GatherPlace Support cannot provide this information to you.

GatherPlace Hosts

There are several ways for the Host t determine what the access code is for one of their meetings. If the meeting is in progress, the fastest way to see the meeting information, which includes the access code is to click the Info button 2014-03-21_10-22-55.png on the GP5 interface.


This will open the Call Information dialog which contains the Meeting/Meeting Title, Access Code and Teleconferencing Options that the meeting is configured to use. See the example below.


Another simple way to spot your access code, is directly from the GP5 interface itself. See the example, below.


If the meeting is not in progress, then the recommended way to get the meeting information to your guests, which includes the access code, is to invite them using the Invite Others tab on the GP5 interface. Using the Invite Others tab, you have the option to send the invitation via email, Instant Messenger or instruct the guests verbally over a telephone.


Keywords: Access, Code

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