Knowledge Base » [502748] Where is the 'Backgrounds' folder for the background images for GP5?
Product or Service: StudyPlace, GatherPlace
Client Software: GP5
User Type: Family, Student, Host, Administrator, Teacher
The images that are listed in the background From Library menu or the Add Background Image menu in GP5 can be found in the Backgrounds folder on your computer. (See below for how to find it).

Although GP5 comes with some pre-installed backgrounds, the user can add and remove the background images as needed based for their individual needs.

The Backgrounds folder can be found at the following locations:

Windows Computers

On a Windows PC the background images are in the My Documents > gp5 > Backgrounds folder.

Macintosh Computers

On a Macintosh computer the background images are in the Hard Drive > Users > <Users name> > gp5 > Backgrounds folder.

Keywords: backgrounds, folder, location, directory

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