Knowledge Base » [729710] Where are the Presentation Captures Saved from GP5?
Product or Service: StudyPlace, SupportPlace
Client Software: GP5
The default save location for presentation captures done using GP5 are in a "gp5" folder in the current users Documents folder.

On Windows they will be in the "My Documents" folder and on a Mac they will be in the "Documents" folder.

If the presentation capture was done while the user was connected to a room, the capture will be in a folder with the same name as the access code of the room that the capture was taken in.
If a capture is done while not connected to a room then the file will be in the "gp5" folder.

The captures are named "capture" with an integer appended to the end creating sequentially named files. e.g "capture.png", "capture1.png", "capture2.png", etc.

Keywords: gp5, capture, screen, shot

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