Knowledge Base » [800390] How much bandwidth will I need to attend TPS classes?
Product or Service: StudyPlace
Client Software: GP4
User Type: Family, Student, Administrator, Teacher
The amount of bandwidth needed depends on the amount of data that is downloaded. The data can vary from one class to another based on class length, screen resolutions, and amount of audio/visual information. We estimate a range of between 30 and 100 MB of data is downloaded per 90 minute class.

Since TPS classes are "live" online courses, they require a sustained output of data. Data that is transmitted in bursts or is slow can lead to a less than satisfying class experience.

If the amount of data won't be an issue for you, the next thing to try is viewing a recording using the GP4 software to see if the sound and presentation are acceptable. To do this, you'll need to download the Student version of the GP4 software from the TPS support page at: under the Downloads section.
Once you have the software installed, follow the testing instructions for the Audio Test under the Testing Your Computer section of the TPS support page to make sure you have the software configured to use the desired audio devices on the computer.

Special notes for Dialup and Satellite users:
Before you run the audio test, make sure that the Internet Speed setting in GP4 is set to 56K Dialup Modem.

To check or set your Internet Speed in GP4:
  1. Select the Preferences option from the Tools menu on GP4 (Mac users select Preferences from the gp4 menu).

  2. Click the Network Setup tab on the Preferences dialog to see the network setup information.

  3. The Internet Speed is located at the bottom of the Network Setup preferences and can be set by clicking on the arrow to the right of the current selection and then choosing the desired setting form the drop-down menu. If you do change the setting, make sure to click the Apply and then the OK button on the dialog so the setting is changed in the program.

After you have passed the Audio Tuning Wizard tests, the next thing to do is view a class recording.
Recordings are delivered in the same manner as a live class so it will give you a very good idea of what you could expect for performance in a live class.
The link below will open a TPS class recording from a previous year that has been approved for use in testing.
As long as the first 5 minutes or so seems OK, you can disconnect from the recording if you don't want to continue watching it.

Click here to view the test recording in GP4.

Keywords: TPS, limit, bandwidth

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