How do I install Java on Mac OSX Lion?
Java is not installed by default on a Mac running the Lion (10.7) operating system.
Typically when the user opens a web page that has content that requires Java, the user will be prompted to install it.
Apple also has a free update to install Java here:
Also make sure that Java is enabled in the Java Preferences as shown below.

  1. Select the Launchpad from the dock.

    Mac OSX Lion Launchpad in dock

  2. Scroll to the Utilities icon and click on it.

    Mac Lion Utilities icon in Launchpad

  3. Click on the Java Preferences and select the General tab on the Java Preferences dialog when it opens.

    Mac Lion utilities open with Java preferences circled

  4. Make sure the Enable applet plug-in and Web Start applications is selected/checked.

    Mac Lion Java preferences enabled

  5. You MUST close all web browser windows and re-open the web browser for Java to become enabled.
See Also
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